Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Save The Tigers

Save The Tigers!

Would you recognize the beautiful coat of the prowling tiger if you saw one? You probably would now-but if the conditions are still the same, you wont be seeing their luscious coats anymore because they'll be extinct! If you haven't realized the White Tiger and the Sumatran Tiger are critically endangered. We need to help save the forests so the tigers can live in peace and we need to stop poaching them

APP, an industry that makes paper/toilet paper/paper towels, have cut down at least 5 million acres of Sumatran rain forest-and that's only one of the many facts I have for you. Statistics show that the Global Wildlife Trade Monitoring Network, or GWTMN, poaching for trade is responsible for over 78%of Sumatran Tiger deaths. This is a disgrace, treating animals poorly and then taking their lives just to make yourself look more fashionable. What have they ever done to you? Even though they only hunt deer, cattle and wild boar-their only predators are humans. There are probably less than 400 Sumatran Tigers left in the world, and I'd like that number to raise higher and higher! So please help the Sumatran Tigers.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

                                                                Save the orangutans!

Do you know those shaggy reddish furry primates that swing through the tropical rain forests whilst eating juicy fruits? Orangutans are our lovable monkeys that are dying by the minute.

Orangutans are slow and steady creatures that move past life without a worry and have a good time! But there isn't much orangutans can enjoy thanks to us humans. We humans have upset the balance of nature and with that the wildlife has to pay for our doing. Orangutans population has gone down to 20,000 and 5,000 orangutans die each year! Which means within 10 years orangutans will be extinct if we don't act.

By Abby